The Institute of Leadership for Policy Implementation (ILPI), a civil society organization, was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, RC:1609397 on 15th August, 2019 to promote pragmatic leadership, people-focused policy formulation and quality policy implementation. We focus on the advocacy, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of public sector leadership and its policy implementation efforts with a view to checking conformity with efficient service delivery, due diligence, due process and global best practices.
To help government drive its primary responsibility of policy formulation and policy implementation, the ILPI enriches the public domain by creating ideas in sync with the entire national policy framework, and infusing such ideas in the capacity building of individuals and organizations to equip them with the cutting edge know-how required to effectively and beneficially key into the various government policy implementation programs and processes.
Through sensitization, reorientation, leadership education, research and capacity building, we equip leaders and public policy executors in all facets of our national life to judiciously use Leadership and Policy Implementation as inseparable and sacred twin tools for social transformation in order to justify the huge material, financial and human capital resources committed annually into the running of the national bureaucratic machinery at all levels of governance. Also by sensitization and civic education, we awaken the masses to the immutable fact that they have an inalienable right to hold the leaders accountable.Read more
The ILPI honours men and women of achievement in leadership, Policy Implementation and various human endeavours by nominating them (or by self-application, subject to screening) for induction and placement in the following:-
Since it is unarguably believed that everything rises or falls on Leadership, and we dare say also on Policy Implementation, the ILPI is committed to changing the dynamics of the Nigerian Leadership, Policy Formulation and Policy Implementation culture to align with global best practices. The ILPI does this through leadership education, capacity building, reorientation, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation of governance at all levels.
To empirically rate Leadership on Policy Implementation and Service Delivery through advocacy, analysis, monitoring and evaluation.
To foster Sacrificial Leadership for Policy Implementation and Service Delivery through leadership education, reorientation and capacity building.