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NO. 1

The article should not be more than 15 typeset pages of A4 size paper; The article should be typeset using double-line spacing, addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and electronically sent via the E-mail: ilpi.org2019@gmail.com;

NO. 2

The front page contents should include the title of the article, full name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) with summarized resume, mobile telephone number(s) and E-mail address(es); The page two(2) should open with the title of the paper and abstract not more than one page with 4-6 keywords;

NO. 3

Immediately after the abstract, each paper should start with an introduction; A contributor can send more than one article but a maximum of two articles for review at a time will be allowed;

NO. 4

Any paper submitted for review implies that the authors have assured themselves that it is free of copyright infringements or traces of plagiarism, and has not been published elsewhere by someone else; Contributors are advised to employ the Harvard Referencing Style.

NO. 5

A non-refundable per review fee of Five Thousand Naira (N5,000) for ILPI members, and Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000) or its equivalent in other currencies for non-memvers per paper submitted should be paid into the Institute of Leadership for Policy Implementation (ILPI ) Account Number: 1016614694, Zenith Bank Plc;

NO. 6

When call for papers is made, enough timeframe for response will be provided, and contributors are advised to submit their papers within the time specified, as late papers will note reviewed; and All enquiries should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief via the, E-mail: ilpi.org2019@gmail.com, or info@ilpi.org

NO. 7

Immediately after the abstract, each paper should start with an introduction; A contributor can send more than one article but a maximum of two articles for review at a time will be allowed;

NO. 8

Any paper submitted for review implies that the authors have assured themselves that it is free of copyright infringements or traces of plagiarism, and has not been published elsewhere by someone else; Contributors are advised to employ the Harvard Referencing Style.